Sunday, 23 October 2011

How does one keep up blogging?

I completely neglected my blog over the weekend. However in my defence we are having a family health situation so yes... I think thats a good enough reason anyway.

I've been thinking about how people keep up the motivation to blog, especially in the beginning when like myself they have no followers and very few readers. I have been researching as to how to get my blog out there, but realise there are so many people writing, how do I make mine one that people want to read and actually get something out of. If I do have any readers, could you please give me some feedback on what you think of my blog so far? I would very much appreciate it. The other thing is time, how does a person fit in work, exercise, mental stimulation (such as reading), socialising and now blogging into ones day? I think I have a lot to offer the blogging world, just need to keep on I think!!!!!

For a bit of light entertainment see below!!

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